Festival Observa, Chiari (Brescia)

2 days street photography

It was a real pleasure to hold a two-day street photography workshop, in company and with the help of my colleagues from the Italian Street Eyes collective, at the second edition of the street photography festival Observa, in the beautiful town of Chiari in the province of Brescia . The Italian Street Eyes collective has also participated with a photographic exhibition of 32 shots, open and viewable for the duration of the festival.

The festival was organized by Oltre lo sguardo, a very active and active association and, as a result of the workshop, with some very good photographers. It was, therefore, a street photography workshop in Brescia that gave a lot of satisfaction, both to me and to all the members of the collective. For this reason it is a real pleasure to publish the thanks of the president of the festival, textually:

First of all I want to thank in the name of the whole circle “Beyond the look” Francesco Sembolini and all the collective ISE for your participation in our event “Observa 2018” It was a pleasure for us to know and appreciate your works, your original style, and above all your group that has turned out to be a true “collective”. You have given us original photographic ideas and above all you have transmitted us as a shared passion and without protagonism can create and make a group solid. I am sure that the experience we have lived together will not stop here and we will work together again. Thanks again and see you soon! Lidia “

It is not easy for a collective to work as a collective, for this reason the feedback has really pleased us.


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